At CalcuShip we strive to provide you with the most realistic and up-to-date vehicle shipping cost calculations based on verified industry data. We are a data-driven calculations provider. Only after you see your estimate, do we then give you the ability to link up with our preferred vehicle shipping experts if YOU decide you want to schedule your vehicle move with one of those carriers.
CalcuShip does not require you to enter your email address to see your instant vehicle shipping estimate. That way, you don't get bombarded with email messages simply because you want to see an estimate. We provide this information to you freely and with no strings attached!
We do this because we understand the value of simplicity! As our visitor, you shouldn't have to provide any more information than absolutely necessary to get what you came here for - a hassle-free idea of what it will cost you to ship your vehicle from point A to point B with one of the nation's leading and respected vehicle shipping experts.
Our vehicle shipping calculator is a sophisticated analysis engine that, hands down, is one of the best available online shipping calculators today. We use only real data in real-time to calculate your estimate. Combining route-based data from your start location to your delivery destination with current Energy Information Administration fuel cost data, we can provide you the most realistic estimation of your costs.
We are not interested in providing "low ball" figures to entice you to contact any of our shippers. Our ultimate goal is to provide a real number that both you as the customer and the carrier will find to be reasonable and workable.
CalcuShip works constantly with our vehicle shipping experts to ensure the estimates we provide you reflect current industry conditions. The flexibility of our amazing calculation engine allows us to continually refine the many parameters that are used in our calculations and we are dedicated to doing this so that everybody wins.
We know that shipping your vehicle across the nation is a big decision and because of this, our foremost goal is NO SURPRISES.